Tuesday, September 9, 2008

After my First Day of School

After my first day of school Lisa thought it would be an interesting experience to ride the bus home. So, we ran to the bus because Lisa thought we missed it. Once we were finally on the bus, there were no seats and we had to stand for awhile until people left and we could get seats. The ride was sooo slow and there were sooo many people! It was almost like a game- how many people can we cram onto one bus? Well in the car in the morning it took half an hour to get to school, but the bus ride home was an hour long!
When we finally got home we ate dinner and then i went shopping with Lisa's mom and great aunt. Lisa stayed home because she had to study. We went to an expensive mall where Lisa says all the rich people go because the area we live in is the "rich people" district. It reminded me of New York because there were high quality brands and the mall was very clean and new looking. We stayed there for an hour and a half. And guess what- they have Starbucks here too! And Haagen Daas, but the flavors are interesting, like green tea. I think I'll have to go back to try that ice cream. Well now I'm here and i guess i should give presents to the family since the mom is going back to her home tomorrow


Toni said...

"it was hard but fun. We did that for 2 hours so by the end i was really tired."

That's what she said. Pwned.

Unknown said...

How did the gift exchange go?